OE5FGL ... Propagation

This diagram shows approximately how much chance for good short wawe QSOs, Earth-Moon-Earth QSOs and more today regarding to sun activity and more.


About Muscles: By convention (by hamspirit, not by law) reserved space for low power (30Watt max) digital QSOs.

CW, SSB and RTTY in neighbourhood usually use much higher Tx-power, override the decoders and interrupt running QSO's. Indded some "Data"-OMs also make QSOs with much higher Tx power than 30 Watt.


  PSK (1st 2kHz PSK31) JT65+JT9 WSPR CRSS
70cm 432-144-432.150?      
2m 144.144-144.150? 144.489-144.490 144.489500 +-100  
6m 50.290-50.2999? 50.276-50.2799 50.2944-50.2946  
10m 28.120-28.12299 28.076-28.0799 28.12600-28.12620  
12m 24.920-24.92299 24.917-24.9199 24.92600-24.92620  
15m 21.070-21.07299 21.076-21.0799 21.09600-21.09620  
17m 18.100-18.10199 18.102-18.10399 18.10600-18.10620  
20m 14.070-14.07299 14.076-14.0799 14.09700-14.09720  
30m 10.1404-10.14299 10.138-10.140 10.14010-10.14030 10.1400-10.1401
40m 7.0402-7.04299 7.076-7.0799 7.04000-7.04020 7.0370-7.0371
80m 3.580-3.58299 3.576-35799 3.59400-3.59420 3.5850-3.5851

Other typicak Data-modes are OLIVIA, THOR, MFSK, HELL and CONTESTA. Usually they take 250 Hz bandwidth up to 1000 and they are operated at the upper end of the PSK areas. I like to collect experiences with experimental joyful OM's out of contests.


1) many radios use the carrier frequency for adjustment purposese, eg. to "tune" the antenna. Eg. if you "tune" the antenna on the PSK-40m band, you blow up to 100W carrier at 7.040 in the air. At a beginner I did not recognize that :-(

2) LSB at 40m means that the side band at your 7.080 spreads a lot of power into the JT65 and JT9 area at 7.0799 and below band. The JT65- and JT9 band is fixed but you can move a few kHz higher easily with your LSB-QSO.

3) JT65 and JT9 signals are weak, often hidden behind the noise curtain. The same applies to WPRS signals. We PSK-OM's and the SSB-, CW- and RTTY- - OM's shall not feel the "frequency is free" in this area when we hear nothing and we see only noise on the waterfall. It is likely that there is a DX-QSO hidden behind the noise. PSE keep the area free.

If anyone destroys my QSO, intentionally or as a bully, he/she also destroys the QSO of my nice QSO partner.
The DX-code of conduct is no battle.
The main issue, the point for hams: The weak modes above cannot use another area but SSB, CW and RTTY can move easily.
It is like beating a dog on a chain.

I found another area of "HAM SPIRIT- PSE KEEP FREE AREA":

Band keep free 1 SSB width pse EU?
CQ-area for SSTV (List of ON6MU - RX-SSTV-Help)
80m   3,845 LSB   3,730 LSB
40m   7,170 LSB   7,043 LSB ???
20m  14,230 USB  
15m  21,340 USB  
10m  28,680 USB  

144,500 FM

145,800 FM RxOnly from ISS