MEG-Glaser Austria
Šumava = Böhmerwald = Bohamian Wood, "the rustling"
Map of Austria, Karte Landkarte von Österreich, mapa Austrii, Rakouský mapa, el mapa desde Austria,
Map of Europe, Karte Landkarte von Europa, Mapa Europy, Evropský mapa, el mapa desde Europa,
Map of European Union, Karte Landkarte der Europäischen Union, der EU, Mapa Związku Europejskiego, el mapa desde estados de Unión European,
Vorderweißenbach im Mühlviertel.
Austria is a federal republic consisting of 9 independent countries (provinces)
(more ore less independent). You could spell it the United Countries of Austria.
Each country has a parliament and a government and a constitution. The prime
minister is named Landeshauptmann in german. The common concerns are delegated
to the federal parliament and government of the "State Austria", which is
represented in the capital in Vienna. MAP OF AUSTRIA spanisch homehome